Wednesday, November 14, 2012


OK, I know I haven't written as much as I had planned. Things never go the way way you think and/or hope they will.
    That's actually kinda what i want to talk about. We just had an election, what, a week ago, and seriously, PEOPLE NEED TO CHILL. THE FUCK. OUT.
    This was a hotly contested election. I know, it always is, but NO. This time was absolutely horrendous. Entire families were polarized by this election, both on a national and local level. You had people DEMANDING that Obama fall in flames and Romney take over because he would be SO MUCH BETTER at the job. We've had enough of the blue-collar black guy, put a rich white guy back in there. Sadly, in some of the Southern states (and some of the Northern red states, as well), that's almost exactly what they were hollering at rallies. It was happening here at home, too. The split between Linda McMahon and Chris Murphy was astounding, and the debates... you kept waiting for them to start throwing things at each other and calling each other "poopie head" to "doo doo brain."
    In the end, it was a Blue Day. President B-Rock went back to his place on PA Ave for another four years and Murphy took 95 to the Beltway again. And people were MAD.
    A lot of them still are. Everyone saying "Just you wait, You'll realize what has happened soon enough." All the RedHeads so mad and so upset, and there are some people petitioning to LEAVE THE FUCKING UNION. Over an election.
    In the middle of the 19th Century, a bunch of states tried this before. Anyone remember that little spat? Lasted until the end of the 1860s, killed more men than any other war we've fought, and blew away one of the greatest leaders this country has ever seen? No? Nobody? Well seeing as how nobody seems to remember the past these days, it doesn't surprise me. And that's sad.
    It may be just a statement. It may be simply symbolic. But I would like to point out a few things.
1. The same thing happened back when GW Bush was elected to a second term. About half the country said "Are you people RETARDED?" and "The world is laughing at us right now." Kinda funny these are the same things I'm hearing from Conservatives and Republicans over the past week.
2. With this new Petraeus scandal, people are up in arms. And they should be, but they're blaming Obama for it. maybe he knew, maybe he didn't, but I'd like to bring up something people may have forgotten about: remember the CIA scandals while Bush II was in office? No? Look it up. It's public info. I'd also like to say three words people may have forgotten: REAGAN, OLLIE NORTH. Yeah. Let's think about those, huh?
3. No matter who won, a huge chunk of people were gonna be pissed off. "Obama lied." "Romney lied." THEY ALL FUDGED. It's sad that they do. I don't know where it started. Did it go all the way back to that summer day in Philadelphia 236 years ago? Were Tommy, George, and Benny a bunch of bullshit artists? Possibly. Somewhere along the line, Politicians got lost and we stopped being a Government Of The People, For The People, By The People.
    The only way to get past that is TO COME TOGETHER. That's harder than it sounds, seeing as how split right down the middle we are right now. We need change. We HAVE NEEDED change. A great many people don't believe Obama has lived to that promise FOR change, and here's the issue with that:
    We have become a society so bent on instant gratification that unless there are immediate, visible, tangible results in something, we think it's not working. We say we've been lied to. Trickle-down Economics doesn't work. Voodoo Economics doesn't work. So, what does work? I think it's been so long since we've seen something that works, we can't even identify if something IS working or not.
    FDR pulled the world out of the Depression with his New Deal. It took a while, but by the mid-fifties, we were fairly economically sound. So what happened?
    There's the key. We need to backtrack and find out where we went wrong and figure out how to repair it. We're not gonna do it alone or one person at a time. We need to quit fucking squabbling about who's the best leader and who lied more and TAKE ACTION. Don't like the candidates? You have the ability and the power to RUN YOURSELF. Go for it. Don't like the way it's going? Bring up your own ideas. Make the process work. There has to be a way, because it seemed to work for quite some time before we fucked it up.
    We can pull through whatever issues we have. We can work through all adversity if we work as a team and do this together. One problem with that is people need to learn to be accepting of other people. You heard that, right?
    ACCEPT THE OTHER OTHER FUCKING PEOPLE AROUND YOU. We need to accept that fact that we're all different. ALL OF US. Nobody is exactly alike. NOBODY. Even twins have fundamental differences that distinguish them from each other. ACCEPT THE FACT THAT PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT. It's one of those things that makes this country great, is we're supposed to be ALLOWED to be different. Religion, tattoos, sexual orientation, income levels, education levels, ideas, thoughts, jobs... accept the fact the people other than YOU live here and people other than YOU have the right to live their lives. That seems to be a major issue we've been having, is so many people are absolutely ASTOUNDED that some people are not like them. Skin color, background, who they love, what they like to do... WE'RE IN THE TWENTY-FIRST FUCKING CENTURY AND STILL ARGUE OVER WHO CAN DATE WHO. Holy fucking CHRIST IN A BUCKET. REALLY? We have phones so small that can do amazing, incredible things. We have "communication" out the wazoo, and we still treat people differently because the level of melanin in their skin is higher than others. We have massive technological advances but we can't get over that Bob loves Kevin and Christina loves Gina and they want to be with each other the same way that Scott and Amanda do. Why is that so hard to fathom? Why is that so hard to accept?
    THESE are the reasons our country is divided, not just which politician lied more about whatever. WE NEED TO GET OVER OUR PETTY DIFFERENCES, and yes, they are FUCKING PETTY. It's sad that this is who we are as a species, unable to accept the differences that are inherent among us. There will be no balance and no peace as long as that occurs, but we all know how damn-near impossible it is to assuage somebody's BELIEFS.
    This talk of division needs to end. This talk of secession needs to end. The only way things are going to get satisfactorily better is if we work together. Honestly, I don't think enough of us want that. There's too many of us that are Veruca Salt, wanting it THEIR WAY and RIGHT BLOODY FUCKING NOW. There's too many of us unwilling to compromise and try something new, it's their way or no way and they will do whatever they can to keep any way other than their way from succeeding or even seeing the light of day. That's where our problem is. That's what we need to change.

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