I haven't smoked a cigarette in years. The last time I had one was in March of 2005, on the way to our first MonsterMania Convention in Cherry Hill, NJ. I lit it in the car at the Montvale rest stop, had three puffs on it, and threw it out. I was sick with bronchitis that weekend, and the smoke wasn't helping. I gave the remainder of the pack to Andrew Bryniarski, "Lattimer" from the movie "The Program" and the new Leatherface. That was the last time I smoked a cigarette.
A lot of people I know still smoke, and it baffles me that they're still allowed to do it. Not because I disapprove, because who am I to deny someone their vices? The reason I'm surprised it because, bit by bit, the government is making it illegal to not only smoke, but to use any kind of tobacco.
They're doing it at such a slow and gradual pace they're hoping nobody notices. A little hard not to when they make it illegal to smoke EVERYWHERE. You can't smoke in restaurants or bars. You can't smoke in pool halls or bowling alleys. You can't smoke in bus stations, subways, Central Park, or Times Square. The state of Connecticut taxes not only cigarettes, but cigars and smokeless tobacco and is considering raising taxes AGAIN. So, here's the question: if you don't want people smoking anywhere and are making it so expensive that people can't afford it anyhow, WHY THE PURPLE BLOODY MONKEY FUCK IS IT STILL LEGAL TO BUY AND USE IT?!?! STOP MASTURBATING AND OUTLAW THE SHIT ALREADY!!!
The thing that pisses me off the most is that marijuana, which poses the same health threats but also has medicinal value (same as nicotine), is still illegal. I don't understand that.
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